Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Not An Easy Road!

Super Rocky Road to Tinoc, Ifugao
There are few places in the Cordillera that has this huge rocks as part of the road. The "hi-way" to Tinoc, Ifugao (which starts from Buguias, Benguet) is possibly one of the worst roads with transportation. The good news is, there is a bus that brings you to the place. Imagine in the early 90s when we first surveyed Tinoc. I had to walk 10 hours! Now you just feel like you did (as you bump up and down on your seat)!
 The Road to Tinoc is only "Slippery When Wet." Unfortunately, it's almost always wet in Tinoc, Ifugao! So!

 The view is awesome but the bumpy ride is terrible on the back side! So be sure to bring extra padding to sit on - and bring muscle pain ointment.
 At times the road seem to disappear into a cliff. But don't worry, there is very few road accidents in Tinoc. Everything is planned!

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