Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hiking in Tinoc

 It's not raining but it is still quite cold in Tinoc. See the clothes they wear are for cooler parts of the States! (They bought these from "Ukay-Ukay!")
 Hanging bridges like this one is quite common. Who knows, you might get to try walking on one during your trip to Tinoc.
 Enjoying the Fog: Most missionaries enjoy seeing the fog since they seldom have that in Manila (just smog!)
 They can still smile. They have just started the hike!
 Rubber boots always come in handy when you have to navigate the muddy trails during the rainy season.
 Going back down to town is ok. But when you are just coming up, you keep wondering when the climbing stops! From the missionaries' station, we walked for 45 minutes. Now we are convinced that the Florida team needs to stay near the crusade venue na lang! But still, I hope the Florida team will visit the town proper some time during their stay - to get another feel of the challenge of frontier mission - hiking!
 Maila is wondering: Paakyat na naman? Well, the good news is, coming back will be all downhill! Or is that also bad news for our knees?
 When the camera clicks they try not to show our exhaustion. But they are really tired!

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