Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gardening in Tinoc

Cabbage Garden
 It is easy and even nice to be vegetarian in Tinoc. There is a lot of vegetables available. In fact, most of the time, cabbages and carrots are given free of charge!

 Mylene Causing (PFM missionary) helps Bible interests pick carrots. She did not realize eating too much carrot can make the skin yellowish!
 Here's the rest of the Tinoc team harvesting carrots - soon we want to harvest souls not just vegetables! They tell us this is friendship evangelism - with a plus on savings.

 This is Jenny (in the middle), one of the Bible students of Sam Nava (right). She gave us a sack of cabbages last weekend when we went to visit Tinoc. Unfortunately, that is too much to carry from Tinoc to Manila. So we took only 7 cabbages and left the rest with the missionaries in another project.
I thought to myself: "How can the Ifugaos reap wonderful vegetables from what looked like barren land?" Then I remember, if we can be as industrious as they are for spiritual fruit, then we will also joyfully reap like they are reaping now.

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